Saturday, March 10, 2007

One- to -one Training with Qingdao students

The children were excited when they saw Mdm Heng at the swimming pool. Mdm Heng had a word with them and encouraged them to train hard since they were the privileged ones to have this opportunity to train with the students from Qingdao Sports School.

The highlight for this morning was the one-to-one training with the Qingdao students. Our pupils were very excited as besides competing with them, they also made new friends. They are looking forward to another training session with them. This is possible only because the local students are available on Saturday and Sunday. On weekdays they are in school.

The children had an outing to the Olympic Centre for sailing. It was freezing cold as there was very strong wind. But the children were not bothered by the cold wind. They enjoyed running about in the big open space.

In the evening we went to a farm house. They fired crackers to welcome us. The above picture shows the bed that was used by the villagers. This bed is special as it is heated below. You can see everyone scrambling for a space on the bed with Mdm Heng as it was freezing cold outside. Someone commented that Mdm Heng 是好命人有 "百子千孙"
We were treated to a display of fireworks before we leave.

Last night the children did some reflection. Let's see what they say....

'I enjoy the swimming camp. I find that the training is quite tough but it is fun to compete with the china swimmers. The food during meal time is very delicious....'

'I feel very happy when I came to Qingdao because it is my first time. It is very cold here. I like swimming because there are china swimmers training with us....I can learn the skills from them. I wish I can come to Qingdao again'

'I feel very happy about this trip. The hostel people were very nice to us and the food is good...I improve my strokes and learn the China people's skills...I don't wish to go back as it was very fun. I would wish to stay here'

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